Simone Weil (Cahiers Philosophiques)
Alain Supiot & Martin Dumont (editors)
- Simone Weil, Cahiers Philosophiques (June 29, 2023 — journal date 2022)
Editors & Contributors
- Alain Supiot & Martin Dumont (editors)
- Peter Winch (Contributor)
- Sophie Bourgault (Contributor)
- Robert Chenavier (Contributor)
- Jean-Marie Chevalier (Contributor)
- Pascal David (Contributor)
- Alexandra Féret (Contributor)
Weilian Lessons from Abroad: Michela Dianetti’s Interview with Gabriella Fiori
Michela Dianetti & Gabriella Fiori
Weilian Models for Living: 2022 Colloquy of the Association pour l’étude de la pensée de Simone Weil
The Story of a Friendship
News From Italy: Books, Articles & Events
Inside Issue 5: New and Forthcoming
Inside Issue 4: New and Forthcoming
J. M. Perrin’s Preface to Attente de Dieu
The 2021 Colloquy of the Association pour l’Étude de la Pensée de Simone Weil
Inside Issue 3: New and Forthcoming