American Weil Society Annual Colloquy, 2022

“Translations of Beauty: Simone Weil and Literature”
We are pleased to announce that the 41st Annual Colloquy of the American Weil Society will be held at the University of Notre Dame on March 17-19, 2022 and will be organized by professors Ann Astell and E. Jane Doering. The topic of the colloquy will be: “Translations of Beauty: Simone Weil and Literature.”

Particularly welcome would be papers considering Weil’s use of literature, her skills in varied literary genres, her purposeful subversions of traditional meanings, her influence on other writers, etc. The theme “Translations of Beauty: Simone Weil and Literature” covers a wide range of Weil’s political, religious and/or ethical philosophy. The invited papers will explore Weil’s use of literature, her skills in varied literary genres, her purposeful subversions of traditional meanings, her influence on other writers, among other topics.
The colloquy will feature keynote speeches by Professors Robert Chenavier (President, Association pour l’étude de la pensée de Simone Weil), Vincent Lloyd (Villanova University) and Alex Nemerov (Stanford University).

The conference will consist of a mixture of in-person, standard paper presentations (held on March 17-19th on the campus of the University of Notre Dame), and of some entirely virtual panels held on Zoom on select Fridays after the conference.
There will also be a special roundtable dedicated to Peter Winch’s The Just Balance.
On April 1, from 11:30 – 1:00 pm EST, the 2021 AWS colloquy Friday ZOOM series will present a roundtable of translators making new English translations of Simone Weil’s writings. Ros Schwartz’s new translation of L’Enracinement/The Need for Roots for Penguin Classics UK will be published in November 2022. Silvia Caprioglio Panizza and Philip Wilson, who recently translated Venise Sauvée/Venice Saved for Bloomsbury Press, are currently translating Simone Weil’s Poems for Bloomsbury. Tess Lewis, an internationally recognized translator, will moderate the discussion on the challenges of translating Weil’s works into English. Q & A will follow.

There will be a conference registration fee (early bird 50$ for regular attendees & 25$ for students).
This will cover the cost for meals and all coffee breaks. More details about the plenary sessions, roundtables, registration, and conference banquet will be available in January 2022.