About Simone Weil
A. Rebecca Rozelle-Stone & Benjamin P. Davis, "Simone Weil: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy" (Updated: Nov. 2021)
A. Rebecca Rozelle-Stone & Benjamin P. Davis, "Simone Weil: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy" (Updated: Nov. 2021)
A collection of links to Weil’s writings available for free and in full online – e.g. books, essays, and more.
A detailed listing of Weil’s life and writings based on an expanded treatment of David McLellan’s timeline from his Utopian Pessimist (1990).
An original and detailed geographical representation of Weil’s life and writings – where she was and when.
A linked listing of noted Weil scholars in the United States and elsewhere.
A series of quotes from André and Simone as collected from their letters to one another and likewise from Andre’s The Apprenticeship of a Mathematician.
A brief account of Cahiers du Sud, the French literary magazine for which Weil wrote for between 1940 and 1943, as well as a listing of 15 works by Weil (including posthumously published ones).