Simone Weil: An Anthology
Sian Miles, ed., New York: Penguin (2005)
Sian Miles, ed., New York: Penguin (2005)
Retrieved by The Anarchist Library (2020), Arthur Wills and John Petrie, trans., Routledge Classics (2004).
Arthur Wills trans., New York: Routledge
New York: Routledge; 2nd edition (2003)
Emma Crawford and Mario von der Ruhr, trans., Gustav Thibon, intro. and postscript, New York: Routledge, (2003).
From Georges Bernanos, Correspondance inédite 1934-1948: Combat pour la liberté (Plon, c1971).
Reprinted in The Chicago Review, 18:2 (1965) p.5
This essay originally appeared in The Nation (January 12, 1957) and was reprinted in Essays (New Directions, 1961) and World Outside the Window: Selected Essays of Kenneth Rexroth (New Directions, 1987). Reproduced by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.
Arthur Wills trans., New York: Routledge (1956)
Politics, vol. III, no. 11, pp. 369-377 (includes Editor’s Postscript)