Analysis of Oppression
Reproduced in online version (free) of Siân Miles, ed., Simone Weil: An Anthology (Penguin), pp. 147-177.
Reproduced in online version (free) of Siân Miles, ed., Simone Weil: An Anthology (Penguin), pp. 147-177.
Arthur Wills trans., New York: Routledge
Retrieved by The Anarchist Library (2020), Arthur Wills and John Petrie, trans., Routledge Classics (2004).
Emma Crawford and Mario von der Ruhr, trans., Gustav Thibon, intro. and postscript, New York: Routledge, (2003).
New York: Routledge; 2nd edition (2003)
From Georges Bernanos, Correspondance inédite 1934-1948: Combat pour la liberté (Plon, c1971).
Reprinted in The Chicago Review, 18:2 (1965) p.5
This essay originally appeared in The Nation (January 12, 1957) and was reprinted in Essays (New Directions, 1961) and World Outside the Window: Selected Essays of Kenneth Rexroth (New Directions, 1987). Reproduced by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.
Arthur Wills trans., New York: Routledge (1956)
Politics, vol. III, no. 11, pp. 369-377 (includes Editor’s Postscript)