Articles read more

“The Concept of Reading and the ‘Book of Nature’”

Stone & Stone

in Richard H. Bell, ed., Simone Weil’s Philosophy of Culture: Readings Toward Divine Humanity, New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 93-115


“Christianity and the Error of Time: Simone Weil on Atheism and Idolatry”

Mario Von der Ruhr

in Rozelle-Stone, A. Rebecca & Stone, Lucian, eds., The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, New York: Continuum, pp. 53-75.


“Christianity and the Errors of Time: Simone Weil on Atheism and Idolatry”

Mario Von der Ruhr

in Rozelle-Stone, A. Rebecca & Stone, Lucian, eds., The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, New York: Continuum, 2010, pp. 53-75


“The ‘War’ of Error: Violent Metaphor and Words with Capital Letters”

Stone & Stone

in Rozelle-Stone, A. Rebecca & Stone, Lucian, eds., The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, New York: Continuum, pp. 139-158


“The Relevance of Simone Weil (1909-1943): 100 Years Later, in Rozelle-Stone”

Jacques Cabaud

A. Rebecca & Stone Lucian, eds., The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, New York: Continuum, pp. xvii-xx


“Simone Weil and Modern Disequilibrium”

Bartomeu Estelrich

in Rozelle-Stone, A. Rebecca & Stone, Lucian, eds., The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, New York: Continuum, pp. 3-17


“Beholding and Being beheld: Simone Weil, Iris Murdoch, and the Ethics of Attention”

Mark Freeman

The Humanistic Psychologist, 43(2), 160–172