Articles read more

“Notes on Simone Weil’s Iliad

Joseph H. Summers

in White, George, ed., Simone Weil: Interpretations of a Life, Amherst, MA


“Simone Weil’s Iliad

Michael Ferber

in White, George, ed., Simone Weil: Interpretations of a Life, Amherst, MA: pp. 63-86


“Simone Weil’s Bibliography: Some Reflections on Publishing Criticism”

George Abbott White

in White, George, ed., Simone Weil: Interpretations of a Life, Amherst, MA: pp. 181-194


“Patriotism and The Need for Roots: The Anti-Politics of Simone Weil”

Connor Cruise O’Brien

in White, George, ed., Simone Weil: Interpretations of a Life, Amherst, MA: pp. 95-110


“Contra Simone Weil”

Hans Meyerhoff

in Arthur A. Cohen, ed., Arguments and Doctrines: A Reader of Jewish Thinking in the Aftermath of the Holocaust, New York: Harper & Row


A woman of transcendent intellect who assumed the sufferings of humanity

Elizabeth Hardwick read

New York Times Book Review, (review of Simone Pétrement’s biography of Weil)


“The Importance of Simone Weil”

Czeslaw Milosz

in Emperor of the Earth, Berkeley: University of California Press