Additional Items
Weil’s Single-Minded Commitment to Truth: A Q & A Interview with J. P. Little
A Q&A Interview with Eric Springsted
Cahiers du Sud
Awaiting God
Bradley Jersak , trans., Abbotsford, BC: Fresh Wind Press
Simone Weil and the Bhagavad-Gita
in E. Jane Doering, Simone Weil and the Specter of Self-Perpetuating Force, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press (2010), pp. 151-182
Simone Weil’s Rejection of Pacifism
in E. Jane Doering, Simone Weil and the Specter of Self-Perpetuating Force, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press (2010), pp. 13-40.
Wrestling with God
Foreword by Alonzo L. McDonald, Washington, D.C.: The Trinity Forum
An Interview with Jacques Cabaud
Radio National
Simone Weil: Songs of Hunger and Love
Wolsak and Wynn Publishers