Simone Weil: Basic Writings
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Simone Weil’s Summary Notes “Concerning the Pythagorean Doctrine”, Attention (May 2024), translated & introduced by D.K. Levy and Marina Barabas
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Simone Weil’s Summary Notes “Concerning the Pythagorean Doctrine”, Attention (May 2024), translated & introduced by D.K. Levy and Marina Barabas
Lissa McCullough, editor, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Simone Weil (2024):
Lissa McCullough is Lecturer in Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at California State University. Dr. McCullough’s research centers on modern philosophy of religion and interpretations of modernity. She has taught philosophy at CSUDH since fall 2014, and has previously taught religious studies at Muhlenberg College, Hanover College, and New York University. She completed her PhD at the University of Chicago, master’s degree at Harvard University, and bachelor at University of California Santa Cruz. She is author of The Religious Philosophy of Simone Weil (I.B. Tauris, 2014), editor of The Call to Radical Theology by Thomas J. J. Altizer (SUNY, 2012) and Conversations with Paolo Soleri (Princeton Architectural Press, 2012); and coeditor, with Brian Schroeder, of Thinking Through the Death of God (SUNY, 2004). In 2008 she was a visiting research fellow at the Institute for Humanities Research at Arizona State University. She is also guest editor of a special issue on Thomas J. J. Altizer for the peer-reviewed online Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, Winter 2019
Foreword by Janet Soskice, New York: Routledge.
Eric O. Springsted and Lawrence E. Schmidt, trans., University of Notre Dame Press
Bradley Jersak , trans., Abbotsford, BC: Fresh Wind Press
Foreword by Alonzo L. McDonald, Washington, D.C.: The Trinity Forum
Introduction by Eric O. Springsted, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books
Eric O. Springsted, editor, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books
Sian Miles, editor, Virago Press
George A. Panichas, editor, David McKay Co.