Inside Issue 5: New and Forthcoming

UPDATED (4-5-22): Vladimir Putin has directed some 190,000 Russian military personnel (land, sea, and air) to first threaten and then attack the people of Ukraine. This unprovoked assault was accompanied by predictable threats from Putin: “No matter who tries to stand in our way . . . they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history,” he said. And as if to up the aggressive ante, he added: “Today’s Russia remains one of the most powerful nuclear states.” On the financial front, the global chief investment officer at Credit Suisse declared “that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine marks nothing less than [an attempted] shift away from the largely US/Western-dominated world order that has prevailed since the fall of the Berlin Wall . . . .”

As the war against the Ukrainian people escalated, 4.5 million refugees have been forced to leave Ukraine by early April. In many ways, it was reminiscent of September 1, 1939, when the German army under Hitler launched an invasion of Poland. Here again, power, greed, and the quest for “greatness” informed Putin’s actions – it was a case of history repeating itself . . . of force manifesting its terrifying presence.

PFVMH volunteer Victoria Kramarenko, a burn-nurse specialist (credit: NY Post, Hollie McKay)
- Serhii Plokhy, The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine (Basic Books, 2021)
Here are some organizations that are raising money and have the capability and capacity to deliver humanitarian aid and other assistance to people fleeing the conflict, or those that are wounded by it:
- The Razom Emergency Response fundraiser was created to provide urgent help and support in face of extreme and unforeseen situations in Ukraine. Right now they are purchasing medical supplies for critical situations like blood loss and other tactical medicine items.
- Support Hospitals in Ukraine They continue their operation to support this key infrastructure in Ukraine at a time of war.
- United Help Ukraine is working to provide life-saving individual first aid kits (IFAKs) containing blood-stopping bandages and tourniquets and other emergency medical supplies to the front lines and is cooperating with other emergency response organizations to prepare humanitarian aid to civilians that might be directly affected by Russia’s attack.

- United Ukrainian American Relief Committee is gathering funds to provide humanitarian aid to victims of war in Ukraine.
- International Rescue Committee has launched an emergency appeal to help support displaced Ukrainian families with critical aid.
- UNHCR is working with the authorities, the United Nations and other partners in Ukraine and is ready to provide humanitarian assistance wherever necessary and possible.
- Amnesty International works to protect the human rights of Ukrainians and protect Ukrainians at risk.
- World Central Kitchen WCK is on the ground in Poland to support families fleeing Ukraine.
- USA Reporters Without Borders
Мужньому народу України-Хай живе ваша свобода! Нехай зло гнобителів переможе їх. Слава Україні.
Sample of what is Forthcoming in the Next Issue

- A Q&A interview with Malcolm Barber, author of The Cathars: Dualist Heritics in Languedoc in the High Middle Ages (Routledge, 2nd ed, 2013).
- (Abstract: “In the second half of the twelfth century, the Catholic Church became convinced that dualist heresy was taking root within Christian society and that it was particularly strong in southern France. The nature and extent of this heresy and the reaction of the Church to the perceived threat have been the focus of extensive research since the mid-nineteenth century, research which has become especially intense in the last decade. Malcolm Barber’s second edition of The Cathars (which first appeared in 2000) brings readers up-to-date with the challenges to previous conclusions of recent scholarship. At the same time, the wider implications of the subject remain relevant, most importantly the fundamental questions raised by the belief in the existence of evil, the ethical problems presented by the use of coercion to suppress forms of dissent believed to threaten the social and religious fabric, and the distortion of the past to underpin present-day policies and arguments.”)
Notable News: Today and Tomorrow
In the months to come, Attention will focus on issues of great international importance and how such issues relate to Weil’s thought. To that end, the hope is to secure new contributors from around the world to comment on these matters. Ideas and suggestions are welcome (send here).
For now, we urge our readers to reflect upon a recent U.N. panel report titled “Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability.” The Working Group’s Report assesses the impacts of climate change, looking at ecosystems, biodiversity, and human communities at global and regional levels. It also reviews vulnerabilities and the capacities and limits of the natural world and human societies to adapt to climate change.
New in This Issue
- “A Q&A Interview with Jacques Cabaud, One of Simone Weil’s First Biographers”
- Jacques Cabaud, “The Reluctant Witness: A Few Recollections of Simone Deitz and Related Matters”
- Thierry Leterre, “A philosophy “written for everyone”: From Alain to Simone Weil”
- E. Jane Doering, “The 2021 Colloquy of the Association pour l’Étude de la Pensée de Simone Weil“
- Jeannine Pitas, “Simone answers her letters” {a poem}

New and Forthcoming Books
Simone Weil’s report for the Free French, which was published posthumously in French in 1949 under the title The Need for Roots, was released to English-speaking readers in 1952, translation by Arthur Wills (P. Putnam’s Sons). Recall that T.S. Eliot, the poet, and playwright, wrote the introduction to the English edition.
Later this year a new edition will be released replete with a new translation by a noted translator and a new introduction by a tutorial fellow in Philosophy and Christian Ethics at Oxford University.
- The Need for Roots, trans. by Ros Scharyz, intro by Kate Kirkpatrick (Penguin, US, Nov. 2022)
On a related front, also scheduled for publication this year is A Declaration of Duties Toward Humankind: A Critical Companion to Simone Weil’s The Need for Roots (Carolina Academic Press, 2022), edited by Eric Springsted and Ronald Collins.

Early this summer, Silvia Caprioglio Panizza, who translated Weil’s Venice Saved with Philip Wilson, will soon release her own book on Weil and Iris Murdoch.
- Silvia Caprioglio Panizza, The Ethics of Attention: Engaging the Real With Iris Murdoch and Simone Weil (Routledge, June 6, 2022)
- Jeffrey Hanson, Philosophies of Work in the Platonic Tradition: A History of Labor and Human Flourishing (Bloomsbury Academic, April 21, 2022)
- Warren Heiti, Attending: An Ethical Art, McGill-Queen’s University Press (2021)
Forthcoming Event
- American Weil Society Annual Colloquy (March 17-19, 2022) “Translations of Beauty: Simone Weil and Literature”
Recent Events Abroad

- Seminar: Simone Weil and Religion, University of Bond (11/11/21)
- Programme: Simone Weil and Religion (University of Bonn (and on Zoom) (11/12/21): Keynote: Simone Kotva. The symposium is part of the AHRC funded UK Simone Weil Research Network
- Dr Silvia Panizza (UCD) talk at Manchester Metropolitan University entitled: “Simone Weil: Defining the Impossible” (2/17/22)
New Articles

- Ann W. Astell, “Nursing in Wartime: Edith Stein and Simone Weil on Empathic Attention,” Journal of Continental Philosophy (Feb. 23, 2022)
- Sam Gee, “Patriotism as Compassion: Simone Weil and the alternative to pride,” The Point (Feb. 12, 2022)
- Deborah Casewell, A Study of Character: Simone Weil’s Psychological and Ethical Attention, TheoLogica (Feb. 7, 2022)
- Deborah Casewell, “A just and loving gaze,” Aeon (2022)
- Sarah Louise MacMillen, “Ellul and Weil: Attention as Waiting: Complementary Critiques in an Age of Technique via Simone Weil and Jacques Ellul,” International Jacques Ellul Society (2022)
- H. Roberts, “Simone Weil and George Herbert on love through poetry,” Forum for Modern Language Studies (2022)
- Richard Penaskovic, “Simone Weil’s exemplary anti-fascism feels urgent today,” Times Union (March 5, 2022)
- Maureen Nandini Mitra, “Finding Rootedness,” Earth Island Journal (Spring 2022)
New Videos: Documentary and Commentaries
- Catherinee Deneuve, “SIMONE WEIL – La vie au risque de la vérité” (“SIMONE WEIL – Life at the risk of the truth”)
- Andy Amato, Commentary on The Iliad or Poem of Force (part 1)
- Andy Amato, Commentary on The Iliad or Poem of Force (part 2)
Newly Posted Video
- Kathryn Lawson, “Decreation as Destruction or as Creation?” Simone Weil Denkkollektiv (2020)
New Book Review Essay & Book Review
- Erika Bachiochi, “Simone Weil: A Thinker for Our Trying Times,” Law & Liberty (Feb. 2022) (reviewing Zaretsky, The Subversive Simone Weil)
- Michael McGirr, “Ideas To Save Your Life,” The Sunday Morning Herald (Dec. 31, 2021)

Newly Added: Select Comments
- Select Comments by Rush Rhees on Weil (2022) (selected from: Rush Rhees, edited by D.Z. Phillips and assisted by Mario von der Ruhr, Discussions of Simone Weil (2000))