
“Rootedness: Culture and Value”

Eric Springsted

in Richard H. Bell, ed., Simone Weil’s Philosophy of Culture: Readings Toward Divine Humanity, New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 161-188

“Populism, Patriotism and The Need for Roots”

Simone Deitz

in Harry Boyte & Frank Reissman, eds., The New Populism: The Politics of Empowerment, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 261-271

Uprooting and Integration in the Writings of Simone Weil

Betty MacLane-Iles

New York: Peter Lang

“Patriotism and The Need for Roots: The Anti-Politics of Simone Weil”

Connor Cruise O’Brien

in White, George, ed., Simone Weil: Interpretations of a Life, Amherst, MA: pp. 95-110